How to use ChatGPT: Guide to ChatGPT Prompt 101

Cracking the Code: Unleashing the Writing Superpowers of the 1% with ChatGPT.

Welcome to our blog, where we unlock the secrets of ChatGPT and its remarkable capabilities. In this comprehensive guide, “How to use ChatGPT: Guide to ChatGPT Prompt 101,” we will delve into the ins and outs of ChatGPT and provide you with invaluable tips, techniques, frameworks, Chatgpt modes, prompt tones to make the most of this powerful language model.

6 Step guide to ChatGPT Prompting

These 6 ingredients makes ur prompt much more better!


Table of Content

ChatGPT: Mastering the Techniques of Prompt Framework & Becoming Proficient in Prompt

AI is a man-made object with no emotions. In the realm of AI writing, Art of Prompting is a necessary skill today whether you are a business professional or an entity; marketer or strategist.
Here is a simple framework and an advanced framework that can assist you in achieving this:

  1. RTF Framework (Role, Task, Format): This framework involves defining the AI’s role, outlining the task, and specifying the desired format. For instance, you can utilize the format: “In the capacity of a brand manager (Role), develop a SWOT analysis (Task) using a PowerPoint presentation (Format).”

  1. Safest Framework (Scope, Act as, Format, Environment, Steps, Task): For complex tasks, the SAFEST framework offers a more comprehensive approach. It involves delineating the AI’s role, specifying the necessary actions, outlining the steps, considering the context, providing examples, and defining the desired format. Context also is same as Environment – surroundings or conditions in which something exists or occurs

    For instance, you might utilize this framework as follows: “As a technical writer (Act as), draft a user manual (Task) that includes installation, setup, and troubleshooting steps (Steps) for our new software product (Environment). The manual should be presented in an easy-to-read format (Format).”


Ways to Prompt

Prompt presentation can be done in two ways to maximise effectiveness of the above Prompt Frameworks:

  1. Single prompt: A one-for-all prompt that encompasses every information/query/element, such as problem identification, solutions, alternatives and recommendations.
  2. Multiple Prompts (recommended): This approach involves breaking down the task into smaller, more manageable prompts. It begins with giving ChatGPT a basic idea about your query and moves on to an outline, and finally culminates in a detailed plan.

    Multiple Prompts method is recommended as we can adapt and change as per the reply of ChatGPT AI to get an accurate answer.

Example prompt ⬇

Basic Prompt

I plan to travel to Europe for a month this summer. What are the best places to visit Europe at this time(s)?


Can you recommend me which places to visit first in a way that makes my time and travel more effective.

Detail 1

Now, recommend recommend me budget-friendly accommodations in each of these places?

Detail 2

What are the top culinary experiences in each of these places?

Final Prompt

Do you have any local tips or suggestions while I am visiting Europe?

…… so on

u can keep on going & even ask ChatGPT recommendations on what more to ask.


Let’s recap, what we learnt!

Prompt Frameworks

RTF Framework (Role, Task, Format)

In the capacity of a brand manager (Role), develop a SWOT analysis (Task) using a PowerPoint presentation (Format).

Safest Framework (Scope, Act as, Format, Environment, Steps, Task)

As a technical writer (Act as), draft a user manual (Task) that includes installation, setup, and troubleshooting steps (Steps) for our new software product (Environment). The manual should be presented in an easy-to-read format (Format). Within 4 A4-size pages (Scope).

Ways to use Prompt Framework

Give me a business idea related to online marketing. Develop it’s business plan, funding options, marketing strategies, market adversaries to follow.

Break down the Single Prompt into multiple prompts starting from – I plan to start a small business related to digital marketing. Can you provide me with business ideas.




  1. Task Tamer (Personal Assistant)
  2. Language Magician (Translator)
  3. Tale Weaver (Storyteller)
  4. Dream Booster (Life Coach)
  5. Puzzle Wizard (Problem Solver)
  6. Idea Guru (Consultant)
  7. Choice Champion (Decision Maker)
  8. Info Explorer (Knowledge Navigator)
  9. Study Sidekick (Learning Companion)
  10. Innovation Buddy (Creative Collaborator)
  11. Insight Navigator (Analytical Advisor)
  12. Opinion Wizard (Critic)

  1. Task Tamer (Personal Assistant): “Schedule a meeting with Mr. Johnson for tomorrow at 10 AM and remind me to buy a gift for Sarah’s birthday next week.”
  2. Language Magician (Translator): “Translate the phrase ‘I love you’ from English to French.”
  3. Tale Weaver (Storyteller): “Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a courageous young knight named Sir Lancelot who embarked on a quest to rescue the enchanted princess from the clutches of an evil sorcerer.”
  4. Dream Booster (Life Coach): “Unlock your true potential and live a life filled with purpose, passion, and self-fulfillment. Let’s create an action plan together!”
  5. Puzzle Wizard (Problem Solver): “I have five apples and I give three away. How many apples do I have left?”
  6. Idea Guru (Consultant): “Provide me with recommendations on how to improve customer retention in the e-commerce industry.”
  7. Destiny Decider (Decision Maker): “Help me choose between pursuing a career in medicine or following my passion for art. What factors should I consider?”
  8. Navigator of Infinite Wisdom (Knowledge Navigator): “Tell me about the history of ancient Egypt and its architectural wonders.”
  9. Scholarly Companion (Learning Companion): “I’m studying calculus and need help with derivatives. Can you explain the concept of the chain rule?”
  10. Innovation Buddy (Creative Collaborator): “I have an idea for a new product that combines fashion and technology. Let’s brainstorm together on its design and features.”
  11. Sage of Insight (Analytical Advisor): “Analyze the market trends and customer behavior data to identify potential growth opportunities for our business.”
  12. Opinion Wizard (Critic): “Review this latest film release and share your thoughts on its storyline, performances, and cinematography.”

Remember to use ChatGPT, if you are stuck, to choose a role if you cannot decide by providing the context of your Prompt/Query.




  1. Formal: Polite and following established conventions.
  2. Firm: Assertive and unwavering in delivery.
  3. Inspiring: Motivational and uplifting, aiming to ignite passion or action.
  4. Educational: Informative and focused on imparting knowledge or teaching.
  5. Promotional: Intended to advertise or sell a product, service, or idea.
  6. Casual: Relaxed and informal in tone, resembling everyday conversation.
  7. Humorous: Light-hearted and entertaining, aiming to provoke laughter or amusement.
  8. Authoritative: Commanding respect and expertise, conveying confidence and expertise.
  9. Persuasive: Convincing and compelling, aiming to influence or change opinions.
  10. Assertive: Confidently expressing one’s views or opinions without aggression.
  11. Serious: Grave and earnest in tone, dealing with important or weighty subjects.
  12. Encouraging: Providing support and motivation, fostering positivity and hope.
  13. Motivational: Inspiring action and personal growth, encouraging achievement.
  14. Sympathetic: Understanding and compassionate, expressing empathy and support.
  15. Informative: Providing factual information and details in a clear and concise manner.
  16. Engaging: Captivating and interesting, holding the attention of the audience.
  17. Diplomatic: Tactful and considerate, maintaining harmony and avoiding controversy.
  18. Energetic: Vibrant and lively, creating a sense of enthusiasm and dynamism.
  19. Authoritative: Commanding respect and expertise, conveying confidence and expertise.
  20. Conversational: Relaxed and interactive, resembling a friendly discussion or dialogue.
  21. Buzzworthy: Exciting and captivating, generating a lot of attention and discussion.



Remember to always ask ChatGPT for help even when framing your Prompt. Be it the type of tone you need or the ideal format for your query by providing GPT – the context of your query.

Also do not shy away to ask ChatGPT about the various mode you can use and to decide which would be the most suitable based on your query.

ChatGPT is not always limited to solving your problem or answering your queries; rather it can be a very fun but clevirsh tool that we all can utilize to uplift our growth and society.

Be smarter than Chatgpt, the better the prompt will be!

So, did we fulfilled our objective: “Unveiling the secrets of ChatGPT: Mastering the art of powerful writing” + “Cracking the Code: Unleashing the Writing Superpowers of the 1% with ChatGPT.”

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